Born Yesterday

March 4 – 19, 2017

By Garson Kanin

A comedy directed by Marcia Peters

March 4-19, 2017

Shake the winter blues with another Broadway and Hollywood hit. A corrupt, self-made businessman lands in D.C. with his knockout (and not too bright) girlfriend on his arm. Bribes abound and underhanded deals are in the making. Everything is going just as planned until a tall, handsome investigative reporter arrives on the scene for an interview.


Brock……………………Dan Peters
Billie…………………….Christina Thompson
Paul Verrall…………Sean Thompson
Paul Devery…………John Bertrand
Eddie…………………….Kyle Snider
Mr. Hedges…………..Mike Snider
Mrs. Hedges…………Ann Hergenreder
Helen…………………….Bev Mangan
Hotel Manager…….Lucas Wigfield
Manicurist…………….Amy Jones
Barber/Bellhop……Bruce Lawyer
Bellhop…………………..Rain Eguiguren, Amy Jones, Alistair Barclay

Production Staff

Producer ………… Nancy Royall
Director ………… Marcia Peters
Stage Manager ………… Joy Smith
Set Design ………… Janice Stewart
Set Construction ………… Dick Allen, Laurel Corner, Mark Payne, Janice Stewart
Set Painting ………… Marianne Ashurst, Julia Clay, Laurel Corner, Katherine Fuller, Marcia Peters, Nancy Royall
Costumes ………… Sandy Burroughs, Virginia Casey, Gloria Chantry, Carolyn Costello, Marcia Peters
Backstage Crew ………… Gwen Headley, Janet Baserap
Lights ………… Richard Banker, Jerry Fairman, Kyle Snider, Mike Snider
Sound ………… Dick Allen, Janice Coates, Ed Glading, Patti Rowley, Mike Snider
Prompters ………… Julia Clay, Carolyn Gorman, Patti Rowley
Photography ………… Jim Eury
Playbill Composition ………… Lora Lemons, Beth Perry
Playbill Advertising ………… Marcia Fairman
Publicity ………… Glenn Evans, Jerry Fairman, Dave Gutowski,
John Pitman, Dick Royall, Joy Smith
Box Office Manager ………… Bev Mangan
Box Office Crew ………… Orie M. Billard II, Virginia Casey, Catherine Courtney, Marky Huffman, Deborah Hughes, Elsie Delva-Smith, Nick Smith, Carl Stotz, Michele Stotz, Ruth Turner, Betty Winegar, Mary Yordy
Mailing Crew ………… Sandy Burroughs, Virginia Casey, Marcia Fairman, Lois Fones, Nancy Fones, Bev Mangan, Ruth Turner, Betty Winegar, Mary Yordy
Lobby Décor ………… Virginia Casey, Betty Winegar
Hospitality Staff ………… Marianne Ashurst, Katarina Bergdoll, Corrine Beauchamp, Virginia Casey, Laurel Corner, Alex Eguiguren, Marcia Fairman, Lois Fones, Nancy Fones, Lauren Gill, Lynn Gill, Carolyn Gorman, Al Hooker, Lucia Lloyd, Ann Neuman, John Pitman, Cyndy Sanford, Martha Tallent, Ruth Turner, Barb Turpin, Bob Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Betty Winegar

Special thanks to Commonwealth Florist in Warsaw for the live flower arrangement.



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