In this touching comedy, three convicts are hired by a family in French Guiana to repair a roof, but end up providing more than just construction services.
Directed by Tommy Neuman and Produced by Marcia Peters
Felix Ducotel………………………………………………………Bruce Lawyer
Emilie Ducotel……………………………………………………Debbie Evans
Marie Louise Ducotel. ………………………………………….Jaime Beazley
Mme. Parole …………………………………………………………Joann Long
Joseph ………………………………………………………………Dan Beckhard
Jules…………………………………………………………………. John Pitman
Alfred……………………………………………………………. Michael Snider
Henri Trochard………………………………………………..Dave Gutowski
Paul …………………………………………………………. Kenny McCartney
Lieutenant…………………………………………………….. Christian Fields
Adolph………………………………………………………………. plays himself
Production Team
Director …………………………………………………………………………………….. Tommy Neuman
Assistant Director …………………………………………………………………………. Kitty Beckhard
Producer ………………………………………………………………………………………… Marcia Peters
Stage Manager ………………………………………………………………………………… Janet Baserap
Set Designer………………………………………………………………………………….. Bill Armstrong
Carpenters ………………………………………….Dick Allen, Joe Kalkowsky, Ralph Henderson,
Charlie Wilson, Ed Glading, Skip Tilley
Scenic Artist………………………………………………………………………………..Marianne Ashurst
Set Painters………………………………………. Julie Hendrickson, Cinnie Clark, Laurel Corner
Gregg Holmes, Janice Stewart-Woolley, & Marcia Fairman
Set Dresser …………………………………………………………………………… Marguerite Slaughter
Costumes………………………………………………………………..Marcia Peters, Sandy Burroughs
Sewers………………………………………………………………….Sandy Burroughs, Virginia Casey
Light Designer ………………………………………………………………………………. Michael Snider
Sound Designer……………………………………………………………………………….
Lighting/ Sound Crew …………………………………Nancy Royall,Janice Coates, Joanne Cox,
Patty Rowley, Mary Leslie
Backstage Crew …………………………………………………………… Gwen Headly, Connie Clark
Box Ofce Staff ……………………………………………..Bev Mangan, Manager, Marcia Fairman,
Nellie Landrum, Katy Lucy, Michelle Stotz
Lobby Decor ……………………………………………………………..Virginia Casey, Francis Harvey
Advertising ……………………………………………………………………………………..Marcia Fairman
Publicity …………………………………………………………………………………………India Eguiguren
Gala Catering…………………….. Bev Mangan,Nancy Royall, Joanne Cox, Ann Hergenreder,
Marcia Peters, Virginia Casey,Doreen Villalpando, Pat Frasher
Bar Staff ………………………………………………………………………….Headed by Richard Royall,
John & Ruth Huber, Joanne & Rick Cox, and Al & Cathy Hooker
Hospitality Staff …………………………….. Ruby Albrit, Corinne Beauchamp, Sandy Burroughs, Katie Lucy,
Pamela Collins, Catherine Courtney, Virginia Casey, Marianne Ashurst,
Kimberly Fields, Lois & Nancy Fones, Kathy Hoffmann, Mandy & Isaac Faulkner,
Ruth & John Huber, Deborah Hughes, Rita Katzman, Leila Smith, Bonnie & Bob Wilson
Barbara Hatton, Carl & Miclele Stotz, Ruth Turner, Lucas Wigfeld, Christy & Jerry Williams
Mailing Staff ……….Marcia Fairman, Lois & Nancy Fones, Virginia Casey, Ruth Turner, & Bev Mangan
Building a Heavenly Set for Angels
The set for “My Three Angels” is ready. Because the play is set in tropical French Guiana, it presented a challenge for set designer Bill Armstrong and his team. Bamboo and a working rooftop for the story’s thee convicts to repair did the trick. “My Three Angels” opens November 9 with a gala starting at 6:30 p.m. at the theater. Eight other performances will follow.
The Westmoreland Players theater in Callao welcomes everyone who wants to participate onstage, backstage, and on building the stage. No experience is required. While the French Guiana set is done, the early stages for The next production, “Night Watch,” will begin with auditions on November 11 and 12 for actors and crew volunteers of all ages and levels of experience. Call (804) 529-9345 for additional information.
The Westmoreland Players is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.