Dear Fellow Theatre Goer,
The following is a brief note to let you know what is going on at your Theatre. Even though we had to cancel the remaining two shows in our 2019-20 season due to the current health restrictions, we are moving ahead with our plans for the 2020-21 season.
At this time, we are taking an optimistic approach that things will be back to normal by September, when the new season begins.
We will open the season where we left off in 2019. Our first production will be the comedy “Wild Women of Winedale.” This will be our fall production and is tentatively scheduled for September 12th thru September 27th.
It will be followed in December by another in the Smoke on the Mountain series entitled “The Sanders Family Christmas.” This uplifting musical should be the perfect show to close out the year.
Our spring offering has not been determined as yet. We will select that show at the Board Members retreat in June.
Closing the 2020-21 season will be the Neil Simon comedy “Lost in Yonkers.”
We hope you will find this slate as exciting as we do.
In the meantime, we at the Theatre are not inactive. We have some grant money that was specifically given for maintenance and repair to the building. It is hard to make this happen in a timely fashion when we have a full year of productions. Now that we have production cancelled for the balance of the season, we can get some of the needed jobs done.
Our volunteer staff are busy planning what can be done and when. Contractors have been contacted for estimates to do the jobs that need special equipment or a guarantee for the work done, i.e., roof repair and repair to the neon logo light out front.
Hopefully, some of this work can be completed in the next few months.
We will send updates when more information about restrictions is available to us. In the meantime, take care of yourself, stay healthy, and we will look forward to seeing each of you when the new season starts.
Happy Theatre Going,
Bev Mangan
Westmoreland Players
Board of Directors